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30mm 펠렛성형기 (습식성형기)

페이지 정보

작성자 포레코 작성일22-05-16 17:10 조회22,399회 댓글0건


FLAT DIE 펠렛성형기
1.펠렛직경25~30mm 펠렛생산.
3.펠렛원료: 나무톱밥, 옥수수,사탕수수,볏집,왕겨,미강,EFB,캐슈넛쉘,크나프(케나프),축분,우분,퇴비,유기성오니 전반, 흑연 등등

FLAT DIE Pellet Molding Machine
1. Production of pellets with a diameter of 25 to 30 mm.
2. Maximum moisture: 20~30%
3. Pellet raw materials: sawdust, corn, sugar cane, rice bran, rice husk, rice bran, EFB, cashew nut shell, Knaf (kenaf), livestock manure, cow powder, compost, organic sludge in general, graphite, etc.


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 대표전화: 063-214-6900~1  팩스: 063-214-3800  이메일: foreco1@hanmail.net 통신판매업신고번호 2014-전주덕진-0032

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